We are glad to present Version 2.0 of the Bastau software package. At the stage of creating the updated platform, we set the task to create a universal environment that could simplify the management of geographically distributed organizations.
In the presented materials we have embodied a classical approach, in which access to data on any geographically distant unit is possible within one-click on the world map (еxample – a module for the work of HR-service).
The principle of “flexibility” of the system is also implemented, the expansion of the number and types of fields for employee questionnaires or reporting forms does not require involvement of IT specialists.
You can instantly search for employees that meet certain parameters (skills, work experience in the organization etc.). The platform will visually reflect the presence of people you are interested in in each of the branches.
As in the Version 1.0, it is possible to collect the reporting data on staff performance into a single document in one-click.
The same function can be used for very specific areas. For example, for a system of internal surveys or collecting proposals in order to improve the organization’s activities. Imagine that you, being the top-manager, will be able to personally ask a question that goes to each employee of your organization and get a summary of the document, spending no more than 3 minutes of your personal time, even if you have tens of thousands of people working. Of course, your employees need to give some time to make a response.
In the process of creating a new function (this occurs often), we, unexpectedly for ourselves, pushed the horizon of the platform’s capabilities. Thus , the scope of the platform has become much wider.
The world map is a basic tool to which branches are geographically linked. Instead, we can now place absolutely any basis – the spatial scheme of a building, equipment or machinery, an industrial structure (up to large plants, industrial complexes, and such complex structures asdams). At your disposal there will be a 3D projection of the system or the object, in any part of which its performance indicators will be displayed. The interface will present the user.
The system of integration with existing databases allows you to use Bastau as the top add-in to the existing information systems in your organization – as a new visual environment.
Once again we would like to emphasize on the speed of implementation. This quality makes the development truly unique. Digitization of any complex system will take a few days.
A little more about innovation.
We believe that any information systems that leave the user in two-dimensional space are outdated. Perhaps for this reason, management software systems that are used today in large organizations can be attributed to the “Stone Age”.
Understanding of three-dimensional space by people is considered to develop in infancy and is closely related with the coordination of human movements. The visual ability to perceive the world around us with the sense organs in three dimensions is called depth perception.
Majority of senior managers does not have deep understanding of the processes. The traditional way of obtaining data from an employee located nearby in the hierarchical chain is obsolete.
The Bastau methodological approach runs counter to the established hierarchy of how information is reported. The problem here is not only the technological structure—rather, the problem is nothing but the laws of society.
Here is a concrete example. Imagine that a senior manager, whether the President or the Prime Minister, must make a decision on any particular issue. He contacts the relevant minister and gives instructions to study the situation and then give suggestions. This minister, in turn, further sends a request to his own deputy. The deputy delegates to the director of the department, and this passing along of instructions continues down several levels, sometimes up to fifteen different levels.
In a horizontal format, colleagues from other departments and units whose opinion may be important are also involved. As a result, the question “flows” down the system to the performers, who are the real sources of information located in the lower echelons. The first methodological problem, then, is a total loss of time.
Subsequently, the following problems occur: The answer also “flows” in the original pattern, but in the opposite direction. With the passage of each new level, the degree of adequacy is lost. Nobody likes to send bad news upstairs. Actually, they often don’t go upstairs at all. Data is “smoothed out,” and the sharper and problematic parts are removed. Someone on the way back will consider the fact that it does not correspond to the level of senior management to know about the presence of such insignificant details, and will cut out some of the data. Someone including their own opinion, the data is transformed along the way beyond recognition. Someone is hiding in the various arrays of departments, and as a result, the leaders are in an information vacuum. They often know exactly what they allow others to know in downstream units, and the quality of strategic decisions is reduced many times. The speed of access to information is also too low. In conclusion, many vital decisions are made based on incomplete, outdated, or simply erroneous data.
In general, the higher the position in the hierarchy, the less true the information actually is. Communication channels are clogged, and this can be seen by the voluminous folders with documents accumulating in reception rooms, and also in organizations that have completely switched to electronic document management. This can be demonstrated by the number of unexamined documents in the “for consideration” list.
Often, in the “middle unit,” performers do not introduce anything fundamentally new. They are only intermediaries who spend their time coordinating the flow of documents. Losing their time is both a waste of public/company funds and an inefficient use of human resources.
Therefore, the decision-making process at the level of the entire state/corporate system is significantly delayed. Mid-level managers are similar to postmen who pass along information in accordance with the principles of hierarchy. Most of the data does not reach the top. Responsibility is blurred, and the role of the lower links is underestimated.
The new technology can speed up the decision-making process significantly, ensuring at the implementation stage the creation of a single database in the areas of responsibility and the performance of each unit/employee at the country/corporation level. This can save huge amounts of financial resources simply by optimizing human resources, and can reveal the personal effectiveness of each link.
No more need to knock through dozens of doors. Just imagine the idea that the President can call an expert in possession of real data and ask directly about any relevant information in order to solve a problem. The authors argue that the introduction of new technology can significantly reduce the overall workflow— by 90% according to their estimates—and help to identify “dusty areas,” which are often excellent environments for making opaque, corrupt decisions. Imagine that 9 out of 10 documents that pass through the system will no longer be needed.
Yours faithfully,
the “Bastau” team