Dear friends!
We present to your attention version 1.0 of the “Bastau” software package. Months of hard work spent in search for new approaches, as well as the discovery of a whole range of technological know-how laid a solid foundation for the new platform.
First of all, it should be emphasized that we have created a completely new management tool that will provide “one-click” access to data on leaders, budgets, staff, income or loss (revenue or, a list of fixed assets, missions and the performance of any of the hundreds or thousands of branches and structural units of your organization).
You can instantly summarize data for any group of units, select and display units by any of the following criteria: the budget above or below the desired indicator, the number of staff, income or loss, and activities.
The “Bastau” technology allows for an instant formation of consolidated reports, which saves hundreds of hours of labor collecting summary data.
The technology of implementation is unique. The creation of a complete three-dimensional structure of an organization, consisting of hundreds and thousands of units, can be implemented within 48 hours, which opens up huge opportunities for consulting and audit of large organizations.
As a goal, we have set a major change in the methodology of working with reporting information. The “Bastau” platform allows you to create and continue to maintain an online database of all schedules used in the organization, plans and reports on their implementation, which provides a global economy of human resources and strengthening the performance discipline in the organization.
We believe that the essence of any innovation is the ever-expanding horizon of possibilities.
The “Bastau” technology is the new era of management.
In the presented version two functional modules are realized, each of which is a self-sufficient and quite effective management tool.
The first module: creation of a three-dimensional structure of the organization at the stage of initial implementation.
The function is implemented by creating two interrelated programs – the communicator and the main platform.
The initial key data for each structural unit of the organization is made through the communicator. A small file (only a few megabytes) is simultaneously sent through e-mail to the heads of all branches, representative offices or structural subdivisions of the organization. It has all the relevant sections necessary to enter data. The initial questionnaire that we propose includes 15 standard sections dealing with data on the leader, the mission and purpose of the unit, the number of employees, the annual budget, the amount of fixed assets, income and expenses, profits and losses, the presence of own subordinate units, the name of a higher organization, etc. It is also possible to attach a report for the period you specified in the file format. The data entry process should take no more than one hour if the management of the unit takes into account the basic parameters of the managed division described above.
The communicator has a built-in function of sending information to the base server with the “Bastau” software.
Then comes the stage of drawing the 3D structure of the organization. This process is a technological know-how, thanks to which the software “arranges” the real structure of the organization in 3D space.
Terms of implementation – one day for data entry, one day for the drawing of the spatial structure, which means that within two days you can get a unique tool for managing the organization in the mode of 3D-visualization.
We believe that this functionality will be of a high interest for recently appointed heads of holdings, corporations and government structures.
In a matter of hours, you will be able to assess the scale of the organization of interest, the specialization of the work and the purpose of each link, to see key executives, budgets and available resources, to understand the scope of your responsibility – the world you are to manage or to assess.
It is important to note, that the larger the organization the more efficient is the platform. Five to ten thousand branches are considered to be basic load for the software.
The second part: a tool for collecting report data into a single array, as well as for generalizing and summarizing the digital indicators.
The functionality allows you to generate dozens of generalized reports based on the already submitted 15 key sections, and on an individual request.
You can ask the query to address all or just the selected structural units. Those who are at the “other end of the wire” will need to enter the desired text report into the communicator.
The software will collectall the data into one single document and present it in a convenient format.
We assume that this functionality will be very useful for the collection of corporate reports, as well as for specific areas of work, such as monitoring the activities of press office. This area is especially familiar to us from previously implemented projects. Each state organization, every ministry and department, a national company or a development institute has its own press office or press secretary. There is also a single center in which the work of these disparate PR departments is coordinated and managed – a single ideological line, topical issues, socially important and demanding issues, etc. are formed.
There are countries in which copies of such articles, plots and publications are clustering to the special department in the Government. Monthly reports, digests and media plans are sent.
“Bastau” is an excellent tool for the prompt collection of such digests and reporting data. On demand or on a regular basis, the software will provide a single file for the entire array of data. To assess the savings of temporary and human resources – just imagine what you would need to go through with the traditional ways by e-mail, and often officially through the information systems of accounting and document management to collect several hundred reports, each of which is a separate file and to reduce them down to one single document. Usually such work takes up to two weeks of one responsible performer. “Bastau” will form a consolidated report in a few minutes.
Dear friends!
We will answer the questions that interest you with great pleasure. The presented first version of the “Bastau” platform is the beginning of the development of a global information environment that will save thousands and thousands of hours of mechanical work, freeing people’s resources for more creative and responsible tasks. This is the idea, which is the basis for the mission of our team.
In the end, we would like to express our great respect and scientific appreciation to Tamara Macushla Munzner from University of British Columbia, who outstripped the development of spatial visualization technologies for 20 years in her work “Exploring Large Graphs in 3D Hyperbolic Space” back in August 1998, outlining the mathematical principles of displaying large systems in space.
Her works acted as a guide in our search for an optimal model of displaying organizations, directed technology to the aesthetic and functional path. All told, we all take off our hats!
Best reards,
“Bastau” team