⦁ An information database of functions and responsibilities of state bodies, holdings, and national companies
⦁ Creation of a spatial model of an entire structure of a public system for citizens. A Digital Government
⦁ A tool for effective information policy and advocacy. A list of tools and programs to support citizens
⦁ Audit, monitor, and coordinate of state programs and strategic initiatives execution
⦁ Personnel accounting. The introduction of the principles of meritocracy
⦁ Financial monitoring and implementation of savings programs
⦁ Implementation of the principles of meritocracy
⦁ Anti-corruption fight
⦁ Modeling of merging, acquisition, and splitting up processes of departments
⦁ International politics. Interaction with State systems of Foreign States
⦁ A tool for parliamentarians’ participation in public administration
⦁ Creation of Situational Information-Analytic Centers
In general: An open and transparent Government. More harmonious relations between a citizen and a government/state. Reducing the risk of protest moods, and dissatisfaction of a society with the work of their own governments, raising the level of understanding in society of the results of the effectiveness of a state apparatus. A tool for making quality management decisions based on access to strategic data. Significant increase in efficiency, increasing the work speed of a state apparatus due to the introduction of innovative tools and management methods. Consolidation of organizational, intellectual, and creative resources of divisions. Instant access to statistical data on the distribution of public resources. Significant savings in financial and human resources.
⦁ Creation of a spatial model of State systems of all states included in the integration Association
⦁ Forming a single digital environment
⦁ Exchange of best practices within the organization
⦁ Monitoring of “horizontal interaction” of structures with the same work profile
⦁ Monitoring the quantity and quality of joint projects, agreements and international treaties for each interaction
⦁ Instant access to data on representatives responsible for integration processes
⦁ Creation of Situational Information-Analytic Centers
In general: Significant strengthening of integration processes between states.
⦁ An information database on the performance of each division
⦁ Personnel accounting, Human resources policy. Implementation of the principles of meritocracy
⦁ Strengthening of corporate governance tools
⦁ Audit, monitor, and coordinate strategic initiatives and development programs execution
⦁ Financial monitoring and implementation of savings programs
⦁ Modeling of merging, acquisition, and splitting up processes of companies and divisions
⦁ Creation of Situational Information-Analytic Centers
In general: A powerful competitive advantage. A tool for making quality management decisions based on access to strategic data. Significant increase in efficiency, and work speed of an organization due to introduction of innovative tools and management methods. Consolidation of organizational, intellectual, and creative resources. Instant access to statistical data on the allocation available resources with tasks of each subdivision along with real outcomes of its operating activities
⦁ Network Visualization of pedagogical staff, groups of students, and faculties
⦁ Certification of teaching and student staff
In general: An innovation that opens a new field of scientific research. A new stage in the evolution of the sphere of management. A new tool, a new method of management.
⦁ Calculation of the company valuation
⦁ Strategic planning
⦁ Evaluation of tangible and intangible assets by divisions
⦁ Monitoring of financial flows
⦁ Assessment of human resources
⦁ Modeling of merging, acquisition, and splitting up processes of companies and divisions
In general: Competitive advantage. A tool with the highest speed of implementation for the collection and processing of strategic information.
⦁ Creation of a spatial model of a network of branches and territorial units
⦁ Hierarchical network visualization of sales representatives
⦁ Sales monitoring
⦁ Evaluation of the work efficiency of structural units and employees
In general: Competitive advantage. Convenient, effective and visual.
We will be grateful if you write us about “unreached spheres”. We are willing to develop the methodology for a new field of applications.