Implementation Team
The practical experience gained from presentations, talks, lectures, and meetings focused on the Bastau technology has revealed a specific characteristic. IT specialists tend to see only the software component without fully understanding the methodology and the true purpose of the system. For them, 3D visualization is something they have long been accustomed to. Professionals in the gaming industry, who are closest to the software aspect, have become adept at creating entire digital worlds. For them, Bastau feels quite ordinary and is not groundbreaking in terms of computer technology. A similar situation exists with IT engineers in the AI sector who develop algorithms based on neural networks.
Public administration specialists understand that this new technological approach can uncover a myriad of systemic problems; however, organizing the management process of government and reform through spatial data visualization leaves them perplexed. There is particular concern regarding the necessity of fundamentally altering the regulatory framework governing the implementation of directives as well as the creation and collection of relevant reporting. The prospects of an extensive hierarchical restructuring, along with empowering middle and lower tiers with unprecedented authority, appear, to say the least, dubious.
Industry experts in sectors such as manufacturing, economics, finance, transportation, and education recognize how to adapt the technology to the specifics of their fields, often proposing quite unexpected ideas. However, the global nature of the development and the need to comprehend the system in its entirety, in conjunction with other sectors, is a challenge that exceeds their mandate and areas of expertise.
The conclusion we have reached is that an interdisciplinary approach is essential. The initial composition of the implementation group should include: IT engineers specializing in visualization and data storage technologies, mathematicians, sociologists, public and corporate governance specialists, reform and restructuring implementation experts, economists, financial professionals, public relations specialists, human resources experts, legal professionals, foresight analysts, security advisors, educators, cultural specialists, healthcare professionals, aerospace experts, biologists, and international relations specialists.
Only such a diverse mix of professions and skills can create a cumulative effect, ensuring a proper (though not necessarily painless) process for implementing this new technological paradigm.
Working Space
The principle of organizing the working space for such a team should also differ from setting up conventional offices designed for bureaucratic operations. Instead, it should resemble a flight control center, where each team member is responsible for monitoring specific indicators, the degree of program implementation, or sector performance, acting as coordinators (operators) for the on-ground executors. In various situations, there may only be one management tier between the executor and the head of state or agency, represented by a specially empowered coordinator. Reports and proposed solutions compiled by such a team could become a completely new phenomenon in decision-making for top executives.

Illustrated by Alexandra Kalacheva