After months of dedicated work exploring new methodologies and uncovering a suite of technological expertise, we have built a robust foundation for our new platform.

You can quickly synthesize data across groups of units, and filter and display results based on criteria such as budget thresholds, staffing levels, income or loss, and activity profiles. Bastau technology enables instantaneous generation of consolidated reports, significantly reducing the labor needed to compile summary data, ultimately saving hundreds of hours.

The implementation process is remarkably unique, allowing the creation of a comprehensive three-dimensional organizational structure—encompassing hundreds or thousands of units—within just 48 hours. This feature vastly enhances consulting and audit capabilities for large organizations.

Our primary objective is to revolutionize how reporting information is handled. The Bastau platform facilitates the development and ongoing maintenance of an online repository for all organizational schedules, plans, and performance reports. This leads to substantial savings in human resources and bolsters performance discipline within the organization.

We firmly believe that true innovation lies in expanding the horizon of possibilities.

The Bastau technology heralds a new era in management.

In the current version, we have implemented two functional modules, each serving as a powerful, standalone management tool.

The first module focuses on crafting a three-dimensional organizational structure during initial implementation. This is achieved through two interconnected programs—the communicator and the main platform. The communicator distributes a small file (just a few megabytes) via email to the heads of all branches, representative offices, or subdivisions. This file includes all sections necessary for data entry, covering 15 standard areas such as leadership details, unit mission and goals, employee numbers, annual budget, fixed assets, financial performance, subordinate units, and more. Users can also append a period-specific report in the specified file format. Completing this data entry process should take about an hour if the unit’s management provides the relevant parameters.

Additionally, the communicator features an in-built function to transmit data back to the central server running Bastau software.

Then comes the stage of drawing the 3D structure of the organization. This process is a technological know-how, thanks to which the software “arranges” the real structure of the organization in 3D space.

Terms of implementation – one day for data entry, one day for the drawing of the spatial structure, which means that within two days you can get a unique tool for managing the organization in the mode of 3D-visualization.

We believe that this functionality will be of a high interest for recently appointed heads of holdings, corporations and government structures.

In a matter of hours, you will be able to assess the scale of the organization of  interest, the specialization of the work and the purpose of each link, to see key executives, budgets and available resources, to understand the scope of your responsibility – the world you are to manage or to assess.

It is important to note, that the larger the organization the more efficient is the platform. Five to ten thousand branches are considered to be basic load for the software.

The second module serves as a tool for consolidating report data into a unified array, and for summarizing and generalizing digital indicators. This functionality allows the generation of numerous comprehensive reports based on the initial 15 key sections or tailored requests. Queries can be directed to all structural units or specific ones, prompting those at the “receiving end” to input their text reports into the communicator. The software subsequently compiles all the data into a single document, presenting it in an easily accessible format.

We believe this feature will be invaluable for assembling corporate reports and for specialized tasks such as monitoring press office activities. Our experience with previous projects has given us significant insight into this field. Every state organization, ministry, department, national company, or development institute has its own press office or press secretary. These diverse PR departments are coordinated and managed through a central hub that establishes a unified ideological approach and addresses topical, socially significant issues.

In some countries, the output from such departments is collected by a specific government body, with monthly reports, digests, and media plans regularly submitted.

Bastau proves to be an exceptional tool for swiftly gathering these digests and report data. Whether on-demand or routinely, the software can deliver a consolidated file encompassing all relevant data. To truly appreciate the resource savings, consider the traditional method: compiling several hundred reports, each as a separate file, via email or formal information systems into one single document could take one person up to two weeks. In contrast, Bastau accomplishes this task in just a few minutes.

Dear friends, we are eager to answer any questions you may have. The initial release of the Bastau platform signifies the beginning of a global information environment designed to save countless hours of mechanical work, thereby freeing human resources for more creative and significant tasks. This foundational idea drives our team’s mission.

Finally, we extend our deep respect and scientific gratitude to Tamara Macushla Munzner from the University of British Columbia, whose pioneering work on spatial visualization technologies in her 1998 paper “Exploring Large Graphs in 3D Hyperbolic Space” has guided our efforts. Her research laid the mathematical foundation for visualizing large systems in space, steering our technology along an aesthetic and functional path. We all tip our hats in admiration.


Best regards,
The Bastau Team